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The Zvolenský brand is a traditional yogurt brand, which has been a part of the diet of hundreds of thousands of Slovak consumers for decades. Despite being known mainly for its creamy yogurt range, its portfolio also counts with many innovative products, such as Greek-style yogurts.
The Zvolen region has been known for milk processing since the 19th century.
First dairy plant in Zvolen was established in
Due to political changes in Czechoslovakia, the dairy became a part of Banskobystrické mliekarne (Banská Bystrica Dairy) and later Stredoslovenské mliekarne, n.p. (Central Slovakia Dairy, State Enterprise).
Since 1987, the dairy products were produced under the supervision of Stredoslovenské mliekarne, a state enterprise that brought together multiple dairy factories in the region.
After the Velvet Revolution in 1989, the state enterprise ceased to exist.
Zvolenská mliekareň (Zvolen Dairy) is acquired by Mrs. Wittmann - the lineal descendant of the founders and first owners of the original factory in Zvolen - and the company I. Wittmann & Son is created.
The factory is acquired by the French company Bongrain SA.
The enterprise later became part of the French dairy Senoble, dating back to 1921.
The factory has been owned by one of the biggest dairy companies in the world Schreiber Foods.
The plant becomes a purely Slovak company again and changes its name to Zvolenská mliekareň s.r.o. since January 2018